Sunday, March 13, 2011

I am sorry... v.v

I am sorry that I have exam on that day... I am sorry that I can't see YOU for the last time... Maybe to thinks in another way, is good too... That I will always remember your kind face.... Please forgive me for being unable to be there.....I also don't want to burden my family members.... Just trying to give myself a reason to feels better.... Sorry for being a useless grandchild.... Hope everything went well there.....

I Will Always Remember You In My Heart, My Grandmother...

作詞:蕭煌奇 作曲:蕭煌奇 編曲:胡官宏

在細漢的時陣 阮阿嬤對我尚好 甲尚好的物伴攏會留乎我
看人在辦公伙兒 看人在覓相找
伊定定跟阮說 叫阮著要好好仔讀冊
在彼個時陣 阮攏聽攏嘸

阿嬤 你到底是在講什麼
大漢了後 才知影阿嬤的話

想可一步一步的過去 定定攏會乎人真難忘
時間一分一秒塊過去 在阮的心內定定攏會想到伊

阿嬤你今嘛在叨位 阮在叫你你甘有聽到
阮的認真甲阮的成功你甘有看到 阮在叫你你知影沒
阿嬤你今嘛過的好麼 甘有人塊甲你照顧
希望後世人阮擱會凍來乎你疼 作你永遠的孫仔