Tuesday, December 14, 2010


*A long sigh* Spent too much money already for this semester... I really should plan how to spend my money wisely... So I had decided not going KL for practicum already... Stay at Penang better (I mean to my pocket).... v.v Though I really wish to work at KL... But practicum at KL mean loss more money while work there... At least when I stay at Penang, I can save up cost for transport, food and place to stay... And I really should stop online shopping...Or any big expenses... So I am not going to do the passport... Not going Thailand on the next semester... Have to save up for practicum usage (clothes, and other expenses [not really know what is it... But have to save for that... I will try not to use my parents money])... So sorry, guys... I want to have some good memorial with you all... But financially, I am not allow to do so... Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am such an idiot!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday Start~~

Finally all the exam had pass... Though not sure how the result will be... But I guess should be okay.. (I thinks... hehe...) Anyway, MY HOLIDAY START NOW!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! But the first day of my holiday is also the first day of my part-time job start... (Sigh... No money...) So have to work part-time and get some pocket money... Working as an operator... (Most like working as a machine... sigh...) Anyway, I will continue this job for a week... After that, mostly I will just stay at home and watch anime and manga (and chat a lot with YOU... hehe...)... And also sleeping a lot... Want to relax as much as possible... Because after this holiday, there won't be anymore long holiday for me... Have to start practicum and maybe continue to working already......... HAVE TO ENJOY MYSELF AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE DURING THIS HOLIDAY!!! LIN HUI, HAPPY HOLIDAY!!!! ^^

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I never thought life can become so difficult... Having a target is a good thing and makes your life more meaningful... But when you start to thinks about the ways to achieve it, suddenly you will realize it is not easy... In fact, it is very difficult... I always have this kind of mind "just do the things you can for now and somehow the things can solve by itself"... I really thinks that... But seem like this time, things can't be solve by itself... This time, I really have handle it carefully or else everything will just be a mess... Planning really is the difficult thing... I really don't know where or how I should do it... Never thinks that I am such a useless person.. or maybe I know for a long times but just don't want to admit that this is a fact... :3

This is the song I really love for now:

Elevator buttons and morning air
Strangers' silence makes me wanna take the stairs
If you were here we'd laugh about their vacant stares
But right now, my tongue is theirs

Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you

So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high
The waters rough
But this love is ours

You never know what people have up their sleeves
Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me
Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles
But I don't care, cause right now you're mine

And you'll say don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high
The waters rough
But this love is ours

And it's not theirs to speculate
If it's wrong and your hands are tough but they are where mine belong and
I'll fight their doubt and give you faith with this song for you

Cause I love the gap between your teeth
And I love the riddles that you speak
And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored
Cause my heart is yours

So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard

So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
But they can't take what's ours
They can't take what's ours
The stakes are high
The waters rough
But this love is ours

Hope you guys enjoy this too.. ^^

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Smile ~~

Recently I had read a short story... So I would like to share it here... Hope you guy will love it too~~


He was so wonderful! Always helping Jenna, always being right there for her. She never had to ask, he just started helping. Never saying a word, just smiling that smile that made her body tingle from top to toe. They hadn't known each other for very long, he just moved in last week. Jenna had seen him as he moved his things into the apartment next door. That was also when she had first noticed that smile. Jenna had been watching him when he suddenly turned around. It felt like an eternity as their eyes met, and Jenna was so embarrassed she felt like sinking trough the floor. But he just smiled, and then he turned around and moved inside.

After that she had seen his smile many times, meeting him in the hallway, or when going to get the mail. Always mute, just smiling. Jenna had wondered if he even could speak, or maybe he came from some far away land and didn't speak English. She never dared ask, in fact she never dared say anything. They always walked in total silence, like some weird silent-movie from the 50's. But they didn't really need to. There seemed to be some sort of understanding between them.

He always seemed to know when she needed help, and just came over to her, walking with her, or helping her carry heavy stuff. Jenna was really short, and not very strong, so she appreciated his help. He seemed to understand that too, always just smiling when Jenna tried to thank him. He had walked with her home many times, just like he did now. And every time Jenna had wondered why she couldn't tell him how she felt, why couldn't she say she loved him. As if he could read Jenna's mind, he just looked at her and smiled that ever present and understanding smile. It had made Jenna blush more than a couple of times.

It was always so comforting to walk beside him trough the streets at night. People always told stories about what could happen, and it was a long walk home from the nightclub where she worked. Also it was sort of romantic walking in the slight illumination of the street lights. He was quite a bit taller than Jenna, so his steps was longer. But he always slowed his pace to Jenna's, allowing them to walk arm in arm. More often than not Jenna found herself resting her head against his shoulder.

They were slowly approaching their apartments when Jenna heard footsteps following behind them. The pace just kept increasing. Jenna turned around just as a hooded man bumped into her, snatching her purse with him. Jenna looked up at her companion, but he was already acting. The smile now gone from his face, he ran after the thief, snatching him by the arm. Then it all happened in a manner of seconds. Jenna could see the street lights reflecting on metal. She cried out, but it was already too late. Jenna could see her silent companion losing his grip on the thief, allowing him to run away. And as she ran up to him he was already collapsing to the ground. A bright red pool of blood covered the ground around him.

Jenna just sat there crying and holding his hand. She did not know how much time passed like that, but the sound of an ambulance woke her up. It seemed someone had called 911. The paramedics lifted him up on a stretcher, his face now white from losing so much blood, and his eyes barely open as he struggled to remain conscious. A frightening thought struck Jenna. He might die. And she never told him that she loved him.

As the paramedics lifted him into the ambulance Jenna cried out. “I love you!” He lifted his head slightly and looked her deep into the eyes, smiling that smile again. “I know”, he said. “I have always known, I didn't need your words to see how much you love me”. “And I have always loved you too!” And then the doors closed.

Written by

Friday, November 5, 2010

Over-Relax ???

yesterday my friend came to my room and tell us a bad news... UUM announced that final exam had been delay... This is the start of panic station...
Some of my friends say want to go home since still got lot of days left before the actual final exam start... We are so frustrated because the delay of final exam make our 1 month holiday become shorter... (Actually I feel is just okay, since i don't have anything arrange up during this holiday.)

The story continue with the UUM might lack of food supply, cut-off electric and water supply, heavy rain in the coming few days might cause flood or the Thailand plan to let go the water (Not very sure how is it...) will cause flood too, lot and lot of stuff go in my ear... Well, it came off my ear at the same time.. (hehe...)
All my gang member was so panic and they phone all the people to get the bus ticket back to their homes... Well, I do feel a bit of afraid.. but I just don't think that is a very big problem for me.. (Somehow I truly believe this is a big problem.. but not to me... Weird sentences har??!! hehe)

At the end, I decide not to go home since H1N1 case(there are people left inside UUM and they survive..), except they really is cut-off the electric and water supply or UUM cancel-off the final exam... I will be left all alone at UUM since all my gang had buy the bus ticket for this morning or night... Well, I hope they safely reach their home and hope I will be safe at UUM too.. hehe...

Sunday, October 24, 2010


会痛吗 那一下下我的心都碎了
你豆大的泪珠不停的落下 你却没有忘了坚强
心疼吗 爱你的人心当然会疼啊
公主SELINA 你受了点伤
SELINA 轻轻甩着长头发 飘来一阵阵花香 我注定属于她
SELINA 粉红色来形容她 娇艳玫瑰也只为她绽放
会痛吗 那一下下我的心都碎了
你豆大的泪珠不停的落下 你却没有忘了坚强
心疼吗 爱你的人心当然会疼啊
公主SELINA 你受了点伤
SELINA 轻轻甩着长头发 飘来一阵阵花香 我注定属于她
SELINA 粉红色来形容她 娇艳玫瑰也只为她绽放
SELINA 粉红色来形容她 娇艳玫瑰也只为她绽放
May Our Dearest Selina fast fast recover... Be your beautiful bride....

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Stubbornness + Negative Thought ~~

Realized my stubbornness had gone to a very higher level... And because of this, yesterday night I made everyone had a bad time... I thought that they want to follow up but they didn't seem like want to... But I continue keep push them... After that I make them cut the line... Well, of course I didn't thought this will make them feel uncomfortable... I really think they want to follow and........................ After I had realized their uncomfortable, I just turn on my moody mood (Once I feel bad, I will just shut myself away)... I feel sorry for that... That should be our happy moment, but I make something unnecessary and make they feel bad... After that I just keep my moody mood with me, this continue make them feel more bad... I didn't want this to happen but it was me who made all those bad moments... I'm sorry.... If I didn't keep my moody mood on, then they might won't have the worsen mood...

I really stubborn about something is small... I feel so sorry for what I did... If we have properly line up, then we won't have any problem... Maybe you will think that I am thinking too much, Then "YES, I'm that kind of people that think a lot and is negative thought".... For you, this is a small stuff... But for me, I really did something bad...

I had many thought in my mind, I can't really translate all into words... Hmm... I should just make my stubbornness and negative thought go to the minimum level (of course, I don't know what is the minimum level)... I will really try... So that I won't bring any problem to other people because of them (Stubbornness + Negative Thought)...........

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


My lecturer told us a story about live your life to easy others people...

"A" come from Malaysia and "B" come from Sweden... Now "A" and "B" working at Sweden... On the 1st working, they came very early at the morning... "B" park his car far away from the office even though right in front of the office have a lot of free parking lot... Where by "A" and "B" have to walk quite a long way to the office... "A" feel curious why "B" act so... but he didn't ask him since it is the 1st day working... But the act is continue for a week... "A" can't stand it and ask why "B" act so... Guess what the answer for that... "B" said "Since we are early, we have plenty of time... We can walk to the office slowly... But for the late comer, they don't have time... Why don't we left the front parking lot for them?"

After I heard this story, I feel it is quite right... but did everyone in this world know the theory and act in that way too? If everyone did this, then there will be no more war and argument... I know I can't always act in this way... Everyone have to care about themselves first before think about other people... I will try to live my life to easy others people if that things don't disturb me and bring me troubles... Selfishness will be in everyone's life... But don't let your selfishness brings troubles to others people...

Recently really love 田馥甄- 离岛

這首歌的歌詞就是施人誠根據書中一篇 Hebe 自己描述她的人際關係的文章而發展出來的創作。他認為田馥甄是一個「快樂的疏離症患者­」,和人群保持著適當的距離,低調不喧嘩不是社交高手,但是自得其樂於這樣的狀態,就­像一個人煙稀少的離島,島上有少數幾個知心朋友就過得很開心滿足。
Hope you will enjoy this... This is kind of like me too... ^^

作曲:林一峰 填詞:施人誠 和聲:田馥甄

我覺得這樣的距離很好 就隔著一片海互不打擾
我是一座離島 人海邊的離島 世界和我禮貌微笑

不擔心我這島居民太少 人口的密度就這樣剛好
我是座小小島 裝不下大煩惱 觀光客們下回請早

怎樣會這樣 我也不知道 謝謝誰為我祈禱 可是我並不困擾
誰能夠決定誰怎樣最好 我疏離得很舒服 不想治療

這種距離 對大家都好 就隔著一片海互相遠眺
我是一座離島 人海邊的離島 世界和我都不無聊

怎樣會這樣 我也不知道 謝謝誰為我祈禱 可是我並不困擾
不擔心我這島居民太少 來過的朋友們都住下了

我是座小小島 容易滿足的小島 懂的人懂得就好
我是座小小島 心滿意足的小島 我愛的人愛我就好

Friday, September 17, 2010

Feeling down~~

Just suddenly feeling down... It is because of a comment...You wrote something that I feel that you shouldn't write it because I thought that you understand who I am... For so long, I think that we had know each others enough... I thought that you will be understand about my situation... But now, I know that I was wrong all the time...  Or maybe I was taking it too serious about that comment... Maybe you don't meant it while wrote that... Maybe you just take it as a joke as always... But I really feel hurt for that... Maybe I am too tense... Have to loss down a bit...

Friday, September 3, 2010

A New Start Of My Holiday~~

What a way to start my holiday!!! Just reach home even tough the bus start at 6:30pm... I should be at home around 9:30... BUT because of a small mistake, we go to the bukit mertajam... Haiz... At that time, suddenly feel very down... Why at that time didn't voice out and ask??? Why the mouth seem like can not talk??? This is the time to say something... Why I always keep my mouth shut??? If I didn't say anything, others people won't know what I want... I really have to learn a lesson from here... And also just now my mom told the date change again... Again, my mood go down again... Why I always so easy to feel down??? Why I can't just thinking what should I do to solve the problem??? If just now Eddick Cheah or Sue Sue are not at there with me, I am sure that I will very frustrated and that the only thing I know how to do... Eddick Cheah can really think out a way to solve the problem while I am at there feeling moody... I really should change myself... A LESSON THAT I HAVE TO REMEMBER ALWAYS!!! 

Saturday, August 28, 2010


 Recently I had been thinking a lot... About myself... M I get too protective by my friends and my family member??? Will I be able to do my thing without depending on my friends??? Will I be able to control myself without letting the emotions over take myself??? My EQ is too low... I have to learn to control my emotions... This kind of thinking started is because my friend help me to settle my stuff... Where I am the one should settle it... Without her help, I am just a useless person who only know how to cry... I have to stand strong on my both feet... Friends won't always be there for me at all times... I have to do it on my own... I feel myself get weaker... Just as my friend's boyfriend say... I really getting weaker... Last time, I am not like that... Maybe because of "you"... I really have to move forward on my own... STAND UP AND ACT JUST LIKE A "SHERO".... がんばってね、ィンフイ!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Missing You...

Received a call from my mum... It is about my grandfather's anniversary... Confirm on 14 of Sept... Which crash with my KL trip... After a talk with my friends regard the KL trip, I remember back my grandfather... That I not being able to attend his funeral... I still feel regret about that...I know my parents don't want to let me know at that time is for my own good.... When I think back the memories with my grandfather, it all about the time we spend at my grandfather house (at Penang Hill)... I miss there... Had been a long time, I didn't go back Penang Hill... The last look i had in my mind about him is the look he sleeping at the hospital bed... At that time, he already unconscious...  I don't even remember the last words he say to me.... I feel so sorry... Grandfather, please forgive me for that...

Monday, August 23, 2010

How Come???

Just now my friend told me that my name is in the attendance list for SEEA3123... which I had never add this course in my timetable.... After that, I go n search my portal timetable... Well, SEEA3123 is really in my timetable.... What had happen??? How come this course is in my timetable??? Aihz.... Now what should i do??? What a day?!!! Actually I was planning to sleep later on... But NOW I AM VERY PISSED !!!!!!!!!!!! BULLSHIT!!!!! Can I drop it??? Do I need to pay for that???? But is not my fault.... Aihz...................

Sunday, August 22, 2010

..~The Very 1st Post~..

Suddenly feel like want to have a blog... So i just start it... Though not very sure this kind of mood how long will it lasts... I guess I will just write it for now... Oh ya, recently I found a new singer... Name : 可晴... She have a very sweet voice... I like one of the EP song... 不可愛...

This is the lyrics:

作曲composed by/ 陳彥琿 (OP: EW Music Publishing (M) Sdn Bhd)
作詞lyrics by/ 瑞業 (LiKE Music)
製作produced by/ 陳彥琿
編曲arranged by/ 陳彥琿








This is the MV for this Song:

Please Enjoy It... ^^