"A" come from Malaysia and "B" come from Sweden... Now "A" and "B" working at Sweden... On the 1st working, they came very early at the morning... "B" park his car far away from the office even though right in front of the office have a lot of free parking lot... Where by "A" and "B" have to walk quite a long way to the office... "A" feel curious why "B" act so... but he didn't ask him since it is the 1st day working... But the act is continue for a week... "A" can't stand it and ask why "B" act so... Guess what the answer for that... "B" said "Since we are early, we have plenty of time... We can walk to the office slowly... But for the late comer, they don't have time... Why don't we left the front parking lot for them?"
After I heard this story, I feel it is quite right... but did everyone in this world know the theory and act in that way too? If everyone did this, then there will be no more war and argument... I know I can't always act in this way... Everyone have to care about themselves first before think about other people... I will try to live my life to easy others people if that things don't disturb me and bring me troubles... Selfishness will be in everyone's life... But don't let your selfishness brings troubles to others people...
Recently really love 田馥甄- 离岛
這首歌的歌詞就是施人誠根據書中一篇 Hebe 自己描述她的人際關係的文章而發展出來的創作。他認為田馥甄是一個「快樂的疏離症患者」,和人群保持著適當的距離,低調不喧嘩不是社交高手,但是自得其樂於這樣的狀態,就像一個人煙稀少的離島,島上有少數幾個知心朋友就過得很開心滿足。
Hope you will enjoy this... This is kind of like me too... ^^
作曲:林一峰 填詞:施人誠 和聲:田馥甄
我覺得這樣的距離很好 就隔著一片海互不打擾
我是一座離島 人海邊的離島 世界和我禮貌微笑
不擔心我這島居民太少 人口的密度就這樣剛好
我是座小小島 裝不下大煩惱 觀光客們下回請早
怎樣會這樣 我也不知道 謝謝誰為我祈禱 可是我並不困擾
誰能夠決定誰怎樣最好 我疏離得很舒服 不想治療
這種距離 對大家都好 就隔著一片海互相遠眺
我是一座離島 人海邊的離島 世界和我都不無聊
怎樣會這樣 我也不知道 謝謝誰為我祈禱 可是我並不困擾
不擔心我這島居民太少 來過的朋友們都住下了
我是座小小島 容易滿足的小島 懂的人懂得就好
我是座小小島 心滿意足的小島 我愛的人愛我就好
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